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You asked and we listened…..

We have added and changed a few of our Memberships – so read below to find out what we have going on!

First, our Club Cycle Membership is now ONLY $49.95! This membership offers you, unlimited cycle classes, each month. Of course, our Group Ex classes are included as well. There is only a 3-month commitment required with this membership. That’s it! Please give us a call or stop by the front desk to sign up today.

Our Elite membership is now only $59.95 a month! This includes our Club Cycle as well as Team Training classes: Hit 60, Beast Reps, Wave 20, Boxing Classes AND The Barbell Club. This membership includes one child in our activity center for free! An additional child would be $9.95 a month. Again, our Group Ex classes are included in this membership and there is only a 3-month commitment.

We now have a Family membership for only $69.95! This is for a family of 4. If you have a family larger than 4, just let us know and we can work with you to add members to your account. This is a Premium membership for each person and includes children in our Activity Center. This again includes our Group Ex classes. This is a month to month membership with a 30-day cancellation policy.

For more details on our memberships, please feel free to stop by our front desk, give us a call at 781-573-4205, or check us out online here.

Don’t forget we also have Training Memberships available. If you workout with a trainer (at a minimum of) 2 times a week for a half an hour, the Elite Membership is included! You get a personal trainer, can take Club Cycle classes, AND participate in ALL of the Team Training classes we have to offer. Please see us for details!

We love to hear your feedback. We heard you on all of our membership offerings, and we listened so we made changes. Please keep the comments coming. We want to make working out the best part of your day. There is a reason we have been in business for over 16 years, and we are looking forward to 16 more!

Don’t forget – our Open House is this Monday, February 27th from 8 am – 8 pm. BRING A FRIEND. Free classes all day long!