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Experience the Elite Difference! 

Quality, personalized, one-on-one patient care delivered in a unique fitness/sports performance facility.

Elite Sport Performance & Physical Therapy logo

Physical Therapy: Stoughton & Foxboro

At Elite, we specialize in orthopedic and sports physical therapy and our mission is to help our patients return to a level of health and fitness that allows them to enjoy an active, pain-free and physically fit lifestyle. Whether your goal is get back on the field, return to work after an injury, or simply get back to doing the activities you love, we take pride in our results and are committed to helping you meet your goals and return to the activities and sports you enjoy.

Our experienced, highly-skilled clinical staff employ a hands-on, active approach to treat patients of all ages. All of your appointments will be one-on-one with your therapist, ensuring that you receive personalized care to deliver the best results. Unlike most PT clinics, our clinics include access to a fully-equipped gym and sports performance center, making us the perfect choice athletes or weekend warriors looking to get back to sports. Regardless of age or injury, we treat all of our patients with the same goals in mind – to help you get back to the activities and sports you enjoy and discover a lifetime of fitness!

physical therapy session

Hours of Operation

We offer both convenient early morning as well as later evening appointments to allow our patients flexible scheduling you can consistently attend your treatment sessions.

Stoughton Clinic:
Monday – Thursday: 6:30AM – 7:30PM
Friday: 7:00AM – 1:30PM

Foxboro Clinic:
Monday – Thursday: 8:00AM – 8:00PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00PM

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I go about scheduling an appointment for physical therapy?

Your health care plan may require you to first obtain a prescription for physical therapy from your physician or surgeon, but not in all cases. Once you have a prescription if necessary, please call us at 781-573-4205 and press 1 for our Stoughton clinic or 774-215-5401 for our Foxboro clinic. You may email Stoughton PT at or Foxboro PT at You may also submit the form below to schedule an initial evaluation with one of our licensed and experienced physical therapists at your specified location.

What insurance providers do you accept?

  • Aetna
  • Allways
  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield
  • Cigna
  • GIC (Unicare)
  • Harvard Pilgrim
  • Medicare
  • Tufts Network Health (Direct & Together Plans)
  • Tufts Health Care
  • United Health Care
  • Champ VA
  • US Family

We also treat injuries due to Worker’s Compensation and Auto Accidents. We also accept cash payment for PT services. If you would prefer to pay cash, please contact us for pricing.


What should I bring to my initial appointment?

  • Insurance Card
  • Photo Identification
  • Prescription for Physical/Occupational Therapy from the doctor ordering your care (if required).
  • If you are a post-surgical patient, please bring any information given to you by your surgeon or PA, including treatment protocols, any exercises that were issued you the day of your procedure, and an updated list of all medications that you are currently taking.

How should I dress for my first appointment?

  • Please be sure to dress appropriately or bring appropriate attire to change into.
  • Please wear attire that allows for exposure of the area that will be assessed and treated (Lower extremity: Shorts/Loose fitting sweatpants; Upper extremity: Tank top/Loose fitting t-shirt)
  • Due to current COVID-19 policies, please wear a face mask or appropriate face covering to all of your appointments. 

What additional safety precautions are in place due to the current COVID-19 pandemic?

  • All of our appointments are forty minutes (40) in length and one-on-one with your therapist to minimize patient volume in the clinic and maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of your care.
  • Our clinics have been redesigned to maximize social distancing.
  • All treatment tables and equipment are cleaned and disinfected after every use.
  • All clinical staff wear face masks during patient care (and gloves may be worn as appropriate or when requested).
  • All patients are required to complete a health screening form prior to each visit.
  • All staff and patients should avoid attending any PT appointments if they are not feeling well or have any symptoms of illness.


Request a Physical Therapy Evaluation

Your One-Stop Source for Fitness, Sports Performance, and Physical Therapy!