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Elite offers a fitness program especially for children – ages 6-13 years old – called Fit Kids. With child obesity on the rise, we provide a fun, safe and healthy way for kids to engage in age appropriate activities. During the school year, our Fit Kids program runs Monday through Thursday evenings 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm.

It is a great way to get kids moving, out of the house, away from electronics and television, and perhaps even a much needed break from homework. We can help your kids stay active throughout the colder months. It’s a great program to help build self-confidence, coordination, athletic ability and friendships.

Fit Kids is fitness and sports specific. Each class begins with a warm-up and ends with a cool down. We will teach your kids the basics of sports such as basketball, soccer, football, dodgeball, and fitness drills (high knees, push-ups, sit-ups) as well as teamwork. This is more about how to play together than about competition. It’s also FUN.

Fit Kids classes is run by Kayla McKenney. She is a sophomore in college working on her Exercise Science degree. She has worked in summer school programs and as an elementary school teacher’s aide. If you have any specific questions about our Fit Kids program, please feel free to reach out directly to Kayla at

The cost is only $19.95 a month and is $9.95 a month per additional child. You can also pay per class for a drop-in rate of $10 (pre-registration required). You can get in your own workout while your kiddo is in Fit Kids. You both get to exercise at the same time! What a fantastic way to teach the family the importance of fitness.

What if you have a child under the age of 6? No worries! We have an Activity Center just for them too: a place where children ages 3 months through 6 years can enjoy fun, age-suitable activities in a safe environment for an hour and a half per day. More details can be found by clicking HERE.

Lastly, don’t miss Thursday night October 27th. It is Costume Night. Have your child wear his or her costume to class. Please make sure you are registered in advance for this session, sneakers need to be worn, and for safety – no masks or accessories. Fit Kids will have something extra special planned for that evening!

It’s easy to sign up for Fit Kids. Simply stop by our front desk or call us at 781-573-4205. We recommend you sign up NOW as the classes are limited to 25 children. Please remember to have your child dress appropriately for exercise, bring a water bottle to every session and be ready to have some fun. For additional details please go to our website by clicking HERE.