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Nadia Cassamajor, 17, hails from Bridgewater and arrived at Elite in the fall of 2022 after suffering a serious knee injury while playing soccer. Following her knee surgery, she has spent the past 10 months working closely with Elite Physical Therapist and Sports Performance Coach, Ben Godin, PT, DPT, SCS, to rehabilitate her knee and improve her strength, speed, agility, balance and power in preparation for returning to the pitch. Nadia will be entering her senior year at Thayer Academy this fall, where she is captain of the Thayer Girls Soccer team and also plays for the Scorpions 2006 ECNL National club team.

Nadia’s accomplishments on the pitch are too numerous to name, but include being selected as a Boston Globe All-Star, 2021 All-America Honoree, ISL All-League award, and selections to both the U15 and U16 ECNL All-Conference First Teams. She is currently the #8 Ranked Player in the Northeast for the Class of 2024 and the #56 Ranked Forward in the Nation for the Class of 2024. She has already received multiple Division 1 scholarship offers but has not yet decided where she will be attending. Based on what we’ve seen from Nadia here at Elite, we feel that any university would be extremely fortunate to welcome her as a member of their soccer program and campus community.

Over the past year, Nadia has demonstrated consistency with her rehab program, resiliency in the face of adversity, and a strong work ethic and desire to improve every time she arrives for a PT session at Elite. When asked about her experience at Elite, Nadia says, “I enjoy the positive and competitive community at Elite, as well as the friendly and supportive people there…I have been provided with such great care and everyone at Elite truly wants the best for you and helps you get to where you need to be. I love how happy and positive everyone is every single day.” She also tells us that despite her injury, she’s noticed improvements in both her speed and strength over the past year, and that her favorite exercise is the notorious Nordic Hamstring Curl!

When asked what defines a true athlete, Nadia tells us, “someone who has determination, grit, and perseverance. A true athlete doesn’t always have to be the fastest, strongest, or most talented person; rather, a true athlete is someone who is always the hardest working person in the room/on the field and is always striving to be the best they possibly can be.” When asked about some good advice she’s received, she mentions a quote she once saw that helps to keep her motivated during more challenging times: “When you feel like stopping, think about why you started.” When asked what advice she would give a younger athlete, she shares some words of wisdom of her own: “I would tell younger athletes to dream big and never stop working until you’re satisfied. Now matter how long it takes or no matter what you have to go through, never give up or stop working until you’ve achieved your dreams!”

We know Nadia has big dreams herself and we’re grateful for the opportunity to help her work toward achieving those dreams! Even throughout a long and grueling rehab process, she’s remained positive, consistent, and focused on her goal of returning for her senior season at Thayer Academy and then playing soccer for a competitive D1 program in college. Based on all we’ve seen from Nadia, we have no doubt that the sky is truly the limit for this outstanding athlete and person. Congratulations, Nadia, on being selected our Elite Athlete of the Month for July, 2023!

Elite Sports Performance & Physical Therapy offers Sports Performance programs and Sports Physical Therapy  at both our Foxboro and Stoughton locations. To learn more about our programs and services for athletes of all ages and sports and how YOU or an athlete in your family can become our NEXT Athlete of the Month, click HERE ! Our Summer Sports Program is in full swing so give us a call at 774-215-5401 (Foxboro) or 781-297-0979 (Stoughton) to learn more or sign up today!